Edit Game
Gold Exp A1 - Unit 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You _____ wash the dishes after dinner!
You MUST wash the dishes after dinner!
You _____ buy train tickets.
You MUST buy train tickets.
They ___ clean their room.
The MUST clean their room
You _____ wash your hands before eating.
You MUST wash your hands before eating.
You _____ give chocolate to my dog!
You MUSTN'T give chocolate to my dog!
Thank you very much, we ____ go.
Thank you very much, we MUST go.
It's very late. You _____ go out!
It's very late. You MUSTN'T go out!
You _____ take your dog out every day.
You MUST take your dog out every day.
Kids _____ smoke.
Kids MUSTN'T smoke.
Girls _____ hurt boys.
Girls MUSTN'T hurt boys.
Boys _____ hurt girls.
Boys MUSTN'T hurt girls.
Children _____ eat too much chocolate.
Children MUSTN'T eat too much chocolate.
You _____ come to school on time.
You MUST come to school on time.
You _____ sleep in class.
You MUSTN'T sleep in class.
You _____ cheat in tests.
You MUSTN'T cheat in tests.
You _____ do your homework.
You MUST do your homework.
You _____ fight.
You MUSTN'T fight.
You _____ dress neatly.
You MUST dress neatly.
You _____ shout in class.
You MUSTN'T shout in class.
You _____ bring ice cream to school.
You MUSTN'T bring ice cream to school.
You _____ bring a pen to school.
You MUST bring a pen to school.
You _____ listen to your teacher.
You MUST listen to your teacher.