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Name 3 things 6th Semester

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three people from the group that you think have smoked during vacations...
Name three things you posted on your social media
Name three things that worry you about going to university
Name three things you think the teacher did during her vacations
Name three people from the group that falls asleep in online classes and someone has to call them to wake them up
Name three people who spent too much time on social media...posting memes everyday...or tiktoks...or anything of the sort
Name three people from the group that you think spent time with their significant other during vacations
Name three people from the group that made tiktok videos during vacations
Name three examples of rites of passage
Name three people that only watched series or movies during vacations
Name three people that you think did exercise during vacations
Name three people that you think will study in UPAEP for college
Name three people from the group that you think are going to become doctors...
Name three people that you think read a book during vacations
Name 3 negative things about online classes
Name three positive things about online classes
Name 3 things you want to do during English class this final semester
Name 3 activities you did with your family, siblings or friends during vacations
Name three teachers that might make you suffer this semester :P
Name three subjects you think you will get a 10 this final semester
Name three people you talked to during vacations
Name three things you drank on Christmas
Name three things you watched during your vacations
Name 3 things you ate in New Year's eve