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Review of beg Perek 44 - Mikeitz & VaYigash

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(טז) What was יהודה really saying? (רש"י)
We know that we are innocent, but ה' has brought this on us as a punishment.
(יח) What does it mean to speak in his “ears”? (רש"י)
You should hear my words - let them enter your ears
(לג) How did יהודה try to convince יוסף that he should replace בנימין?
I am better than him in every way: strength, battle, and serving
(לב) How does יהודה explain why he is defending בנימין more than his other brothers? (רש"י) 
I took responsibility for him and will lose both worlds if I don’t return him!
(כט) How does רש"י explain what יעקב said (that he will die)?
When I have בנימין it consoles me about his mother and brother. If he dies, it will be as if I lost all 3 of them at once.
(כב) Who will die if בנימין leaves and why? (רש"י)
בנימין may die on the way like his mother did.
(כ) Why does יהודה say that his brother died? (רש"י)
He was afraid that יוסף would tell יהודה to bring him.
(יט) What is יהודה hinting to “You asked about our father & brother”? (רש"י)
From the beginning you tried to make trouble: Why did you begin asking us such personal questions? But we answered you anyway.
(יח) How is יוסף like פרעה? (רש"י) [4 ways]
Respect you like פרעה, you will get צרעת like when פרעה took שרה, you don’t keep you word, I will kill both of you if you upset me.
(יח) Why does יהודה say that יוסף shouldn’t get angry? (רש"י)
He was going to speak strongly to יוסף
(יז) What does יוסף answer back to יהודה?
"It is not fitting for me to make all of you slaves! Only the one with the cup will be a slave; the rest of you go in peace to your father!”
(טז) How does יהודה respond to יוסף?
“How can we defend ourselves? ה' has found the sin of your servants! We will all be slaves!”
(טו) What does יוסף say to them?
“What have you done? Didn’t you know I could figure out what you did?”
(יד) What do the brothers do when they return to the house of יוסף?
Throw themselves on the floor before him
(יג) What do we learn from how the פסוק describes מצרים? (רש"י)
In regards to war, it was considered in their eyes like a small city of 10 people.
(יג) What do we see from how they loaded their donkeys? (רש"י)
They were strong and didn’t need to help each other.
(יג) How did the brothers react when the cup was found?
They tore their clothes, reloaded their donkeys, and headed back to the city.
(יב) How did he search for the cup? Why? (רש"י)
From oldest to youngest. So they wouldn’t realize that he knew where it was.
(י) What did the man respond about how they should be punished? (רש"י)
In truth, you should be punished as you said – all of you should become slaves. But I will be nice and only make the one who stole the cup into a slave.
(ט) What did the brothers say should happen if one of them stole the cup?
The one who the cup is found with should die, and we will all become slaves.
(ח) How did the brothers defend themselves?
We returned money back from ארץ כנען, why would we steal gold/silver?
(ד) What was the “chaser” supposed to say to the brothers?
Why did you pay back good with bad!?
(ד) When did יוסף send for the brothers to be chased?
They had not yet gone far from the city
(ב) What should be done with בנימין’s bag?
Put יוסף’s silver cup by the opening of his bag.
(א) What did יוסף command should be put in the brothers’ bags?
 As much food as they could carry, and their money