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Should and shouldn't

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This boy has a girlfriend. She is from a very rich family and she helps him a lot. But he loves his best friend from school very much
He should.....He shouldn't....
She hasn't got a lot of money now. But she is lazy and doesn't want to work. Her boyfriend always gives her some money but he doesn't call her these days.
She should.... She shouldn't.....
He plays computer games a lot. Sometimes he doesn't know how much time he plays a day. He doesn't call his family and friends.
He should ..... He shouldn't......
He had a great party with his friends last night. Now the friends are at home. His parents will come home soon. His flat is very dirty.
He should.... He shouldn't....
He eats fast food every day. He never cooks. His doctor worries about his future.
He should... He shouldn't....
There was a fire in his house. Now he doesn't have a place to live. His parents live in another city.
He should.... He shouldn't....
She will have a babby soon but she is very stresses and frightened. Her boyfriend doesn't call her. She smokes a lot these days.
She should.... She shouldn't....
This woman is marred and has two children. She doesn't love her husband and they argue a lot. She often drinks alcohol and smokes.
She should.... She shouldn't....