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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you see me, you also see you. What am I?
- Some are used for fabric and some are used for hair. Some are used for paper and one is called a pair. What is this?
Americano and Latte, Cappuccino if you please, Macchiato and Espresso. Tell me – what are all of these?
You might sometimes see this animal with a jockey riding on its back. Trying to run as fast as it can while going round and round a track. Which animal is it?
Which one is not the colour of berry? (a) Blue (b) Black (c) Purple
What is a dried grape called? (a) Date (b) Raisin (c) Potato bug
Some people call this fruit a vegetable, but it's really a fruit, and very juicy! What is it? (a) Tomato (b) Kiwi (c) Grapes
This is a red, delicious fruit. One a day will keep the doctor away! Mango/Apple/Papaya
- Sometimes people wear special clothes to look like something, for example to look like a ghost at Halloween, or to look like a princess for their birthday. What is this called? A kit/Fancy dress costume/A wardrobe
Fancy Dress Costume
When you mix red and yellow you get?
1- Which animal’s group is known as pride? Lion/Wolf/Elephant