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Sprout 1 B3 CTP

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What other foods can work like pickles to power things?
Good job :)
How do pickles light up a light bulb?
Good job :)
What kind of science experiment would you like to do at a science fair? Why?
Good job :)
If you were an animal, what special ability would you use to hunt and kill prey?
Good job :)
If you were an animal, what special ability would you have to protect yourself?
Good job :)
Do you think electric eels are interesting? Why or why not?
Good job :)
Do you think lightning is scary? Why?
Good job :)
Which appliance in your house do you think is the most useful?
Good job :)
Do you think lightning is dangerous? What should you do if there is a lightning storm near you?
Good job :)
Which is your favourite planet and why?
Good job :)
What was your most memorable experience last year?
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How old would you be if you lived on Mars?
Good job :)
When taking a bus or train, do you like to take a slow and scenic route or an express route? Why?
Good job :)
Do you think humans will ever live on Mars? Why or why not?
Good job :)
Where would you like to go on your next summer vacation? Who do you want to go with?
Good job :)
Who would you take with you on an adventure into space? Why?
Good job :)
Do you think rockets are scary? Why or why not?
Good job :)
Where in space would you like to explore? Why?
Good job :)