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Horrible Harry Chapter 1 Perspectives

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Harry is digging in the dirt during recess. What is YOUR own perspective?
Your teacher will decide if your answer is right!
Mary and Ida can't decide who will be Goldilocks. What is YOUR own perspective?
Your teacher will decide if your answer is right!
Mary and Ida can't decide who will be Goldilocks. What do you think Miss Mackle's perspective is?
Miss Mackle wants the girls to figure out how to solve their problems together.
Mary and Ida can't decide who will be Goldilocks. What do you think Mary's perspective is?
Mary is probably really upset! She made herself the boss of the group and thinks she has a right to be Goldilocks.
Mary and Ida can't decide who will be Goldilocks. What do you think Harry's perspective is?
Harry probably doesn't like it that his friends are fighting. He hopes the girls can still be friends even though they have different ideas.
Mary and Ida can't decide who will be Goldilocks. What do you think Doug's perspective is?
Doug probably doesn't like it that his friends are fighting. He hopes the girls can still be friends even though they have different ideas.
Harry is digging in the dirt during recess. What do you think Doug's perspective is?
Doug is a little sad that Harry is not playing kickball with him.
Harry is digging in the dirt during recess. What do you think his own perspective is?
Harry is SO happy digging in the dirt and looking for earwigs. He loves horrible things.
Harry is digging in the dirt during recess and finds Edward the earwig. What do you think Mary's perspective is?
Mary thinks earwigs are yucky! She also thinks that Harry will get in trouble for being dirty and making a mess.
Harry is digging in the dirt during recess. What do you think Miss Mackle's perspective is?
One time, some students made a mess with mud in her classroom. She probably doesn't want dirt or mud in her classroom.