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Future predictions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Janine probably won't pass her exam.
Janine is unlikely to pass her exam.
Regular trips to space ______ be available in the next century (possible)
The space explorers _________ probably find water on Mars (possible)
People ______ develop telepathy in the future (impossible).
There is a fifty-fifty chance that she will be on time for her English class tomorrow.
She might be on time for her English class tomorrow.
Jane promised to help me with my homework this weekend.
Jane will help me with my homework this weekend.
I am not sure about studying French this year.
I may study French this year.
How much money do you think you _________ earn when you are 60 years old?
How many people do you think you _______ speak today?
Who do you think _______ win the next American presidential election?
I think that my family ________ visit me in Ireland this year.
It's already 11 o'clock! We __________ miss the train.
are going to
John has studied for weeks for this test. He _________ pass it.
is going to
Pink is her favourite colour. She______ love this pink scarf that I have bought her for her birthday.
is going to
Look at those clouds in the sky. It ___________ rain!
is going to