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P4 Winter Intensive Review!

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 omnivores
Name 3 herbivores
Name 3 carnivores
Name 3 ways we can reduce our plastic
What are the 3 Rs?
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
What good things happened when the wolves came back?
Less elk / more bears
What bad things happened when the Wolves were removed from Yellowstone?
more elk / less berries / muddy rivers bad for fish
How does a frog change through it's life cycle?
eggs / tadpole / tadpole with legs / no tail/ frog
Put these animals into a 4 or 5 part food chain
Sunlight / Grass / Rabbit / Eagle / Decomposer
How can we classify these two animals?
Predator and pray
How is this animal adapted to it's habitat
Eye lashes / humps
What animal is this? What's it's habitat?
Camel / Desert
Why does he get moved?
Because people are scared of predators
Who is this?
How does his opinion of Judy change in the film?
At the start he doesn't think she should be a P/O then he sees shes is very good at her job.
Who is this?
Chief Bogo
Where do Nick and Judy find the Mr Otterton?
The wolves tower/house/building
Why is Nick actually buying ice cream?
To sell again
Where does Judy first meet Nick?
an ice cream shop