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Immigration - 4th Grade

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was your favorite part about learning about immigrants?(Looking for 3 responses)
Name one famous immigrant that now lives in America.
Where did immigrants come from that came through Angel Island?
Asia, Mexico
What statute did the immigrants see when entering America to show freedom?
The Statue of Liberty
What was it like on the boats for the immigrants?
crowded, hungry, smelly
What happened to an immigrant if they were sick at Ellis Island?
sent back to their country, sent to the infirmary to see if they got better
What did the immigrants have to do at Ellis Island to get into America?(3 things)
medical inspections, interviews(questioned), prove they had money
What were the name of the islands that immigrants had to go through before entering America?
Ellis Island, Angel Island
What was it called when the Mexicans would come to America to work for a season, then go home?
What is it called when 2 groups of people in the same country fight?
A Civil War
How many Lost Boys came from Sudan?
What were the people that came from Sudan called and why did they come?
The Lost Boys, War
Why did the Russians come to America?
Religious Freedom, Better Life
Why did the Vietnamese come to America?
Why did the Mexicans come to America?
Better Jobs, Better Life
Why did the Irish come to America?
Potato Famine
Which countries did we talk about immigrants coming from?
Mexico, Sudan, Ireland, Russia, Vietnam
What is a timeline used for?
to show dates of events in chronological(sequential) order
Name the 5 oceans.
Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian, Southern
How many oceans are there?
Name the 7 continents.
North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica
How many continents are there?
What does emigrate mean?
to leave your own country to live in another
What does migrate mean?
to move from place to place
What does immigrate mean?
to come to another country to live permanently