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Freak The Mighty Chapters 1-10

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the boys discover in the drain?
A purse
What does Freak tell Max about the hospital?
They do medical experiments
Where does Freak lead Max to on their journey?
A hospital
What stops Tony D from hurting the boys?
The police
Who is Tony D?
A neighborhood bully
What holiday do the boys celebrate together?
4th of July
How does Max feel about going to dinner at first?
He was anxious
How does Gram know Gwen?
Gwen was friends with Max's mom
What did Gwen say when she called Gram?
She invited Max over for dinner and apologized
How does Gwen react when she sees Max?
She is terrified
What story did Freak tell Max about? Explaining his mother's nickname
King Arthur
Who is Gwen?
Freak's mom
What is an ornithopter?
A mechanical bird
What is referred to as "Down Under"?
The basement, which is Max's room
Who is Kenny?
Max's dad
Why is Max called the "Kicker"?
He kicks people that try to hug him
Who are Grim & Gram?
Max's Grandparents