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Present Perfect VS Present Perfect Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What’s that smell in my room? Somebody _________________ (smoke) here. – It’s probably Peter. I know he _________________ (smoke) 2 packs of cigarettes today.
1-has been smoking (result of a longer action; side effect: smell); 2-has smoked (result in numbers)
I _________________ (try) to find you all morning! Where _________________ (you/be)?
1-have been trying (focus on duration: all morning); 2-have you been (state verb)
How many times _________________ (you/be) to Odesa? – I think I _________________ (visit) it more than 10 times.
1-have you been (focus on number: how many times + state verb); 2- have visited (result in numbers);
My husband and I _________________ (go) to the same hotel in Egypt every year since 2012.
have been going (focus on duration: since 2012; started in the past, continues up to now)
Hey, do you want to go for a run? – No, thanks, I _________________ (already/work out) today.
have already worked out (marker: today; finished recently; focus on result)
Marco _________________ (work out) every weekend. He really wants to be fit!
has been working out (focus on repetition, we don’t know how many times)
Pavlo _________________ (just/discover) the show “Friends”. – Oh, really? – Yes, he _________________ (watch) it on Netflix for a week now.
1-has just discovered (result of a shorter action; marker: just); 2-has been watching (focus on duration: a week/ started in the past and continue up to now)
What’s that smell? – It’s paint. Jessica _________________ (paint) her room. – When is she going to finish?
has been painting (the result of a longer action, usually visible; side effect: the smell)
Jessica _________________ (paint) her room pink. – Yes, it looks great!
has painted (the result of the action that just happened or finished recently)
Sviatoslav Vakarchuk _________________ (write) songs for over 20 years. So far he _________________ (write) over 200 songs.
1-has been writing (focus on length – 20 years!); 2-has written (focus on the result – 200 songs)