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Go getter 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is Poland bigger / the biggest country in Europe?
the biggest
Who is hungrier / the hungriest: you or your dad?
the hungrier
The baby’s chair is lower / the lowest chair in the house.
the lowest
Who is better / the best student in your class?
the best
I think Madrid is more beautiful / the most beautiful than Birmingham
more beautiful
Alan is ____(friendly) than Bob
Are tigers _______ (dangerous) than lions?
more dangerous
Are dogs ____(good) pets than cats?
Spain is ________(hot) than Poland.
Warm weather is _____(nice) than cold weather
The Nile is ____(long) than the Colorado
I ________(have) a shower! I can’t talk now
am having
Dan and Carla ______(write) emails to their grandparents.
are writing
My friend and I ____(chat) online.
are chatting
You_______________(talk) to your aunt on the phone
are talking
Suzie ______(study) in her bedroom.
is studying
I’m worried ____you. What’s the matter?
Why are you scared ____snakes?
They’re interested ____ history and science
I can’t play chess. I’m bad ____ it.
She’s excited_____ her birthday party on Friday.
Fred is good ___ tennis. He’s the school champion
Every day is the same and she’s b_________.
He doesn’t like me and I feel s_______
My parents work a lot and they feel t__________ in the evening.
The little girl can’t find her mother. She’s s______
I have a new puppy and I’m h___________
She’s got fantastic marks at school and she’s good at Maths and Science (Name the adjective)
She’s intelligent.
She tells good jokes.(Name the adjective)
She’s funny
She’s got great hair and a great face. People like looking at her (Name the adjective)
She’s beautiful.
She doesn’t like it when people are sad. She’s always nice to everyone(Name the adjective)
She’s kind
She does a lot of exercise and she can work a lot too(Name the adjective)
She’s strong.
She’s got a lot of friends. Everyone likes her.(Name the adjective)
She’s friendly.