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Grade 3 half year practce

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do we use a compass for? How does it work?
To know the direction we are going in (find our way). The magnet always points north.
What are the two sides of a magnet called?
North pole and south pole
What is the law of magnetism?
Opposite poles of a magnet attract
Name 1 thing that uses a magnet to do a job (and how it works)
teacher checks
Do you need to heat or cool for evaporation to occur? Give an example of evaporation
Heat (teacher check example)
When it's cold outside , drops appear outside of the window, because the air(gas) is changing to a liquid. What is the process called?
An icecream melts in the sun, the solid is changing to a liquid. Which process is this?
Which state of matter can flow?
How do the particles in a gas behave?
Particles are free to move and they are far away from eachother
Name 3 states of matter
Solid, liquid, gas
What do we use antibiotics for?
Antibiotics kill bacteria. We use them when we have a bacterial infection (sick from bacteria)
Name 3 symptoms you can have when you are sick.
teacher checks
Give 1 example of a joint.
Elbow, shoulder, knee, knuckle
What is a vertebrate? Give me an example.
A vertebrate is an animal that has a skeleton/ backbone (spine).
What is the name for a broken bone?
What does the spine protect?
Spinal cord
What bone protects the lungs?
What are 2 muscles that work together to bend your arm?
biceps and triceps
Why are muscles attached to bones?
Because bones can't move, so the muscles need to pull the bones to help move our body
What does the skull protect?
the brain
Where is your pelvis?
(point to your hip)