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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Please turn on the ______________." A feather is very _____________.
"You must turn ________ at the traffic light to get to the supermarket." Beth was very proud because she got all the answers _______ in her test.
My grandpa cannot see without his _____________. My mum was very angry when my sister broke two ____________.
I went to get money from the ___________________. I saw a family of ducks on the river_____________.
Next year I am going to _________ to Canada with my sister. A _________ was buzzing against the window.
My mum was very cross because she broke a ________ when she was washing dishes. My dad used a hammer and a _________ to fix my shelf.
The woman did not __________ in the right place so the policeman gave her a ticket. My family and I love to ride our bikes at the________ on Sundays.
The audience ________ to their feet to clap for the famous singer. My favourite flower is a _________________.
My Dad looks very smart in his new red and yellow __________. When did you learn to ________ your shoelaces?
Johnnie's dad bought him a new cricket _________ for Christmas. Did you know that a __________ is the only mammal that can fly?
The huge ________ almost knocked Jane over when she was swimming. I ___________ to my neighbors on the way to school every morning.
Tom's dog likes to _________ very loudly at night. The tree __________ is very rough.