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Classification of Organisms Vocabulary

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is an organism made up of one cell called?
What is the branch of science that formally names and classifies organisms by their structure, function, and relationships?
What is a structure?
The arrangement of parts that form a living thing.
What is the reproductive process involving two parents whose genetic material is combined to produce a new organism different from themselves?
Sexual reproduction
What is the process by which organisms produce more of their own kind?
Which type of cell is lacking a nucleus or any other membrane-enclosed organelle?
Prokaryotic cell
What is a category of organisms made up of more than one cell and of different types of cells?
What is the second-highest level in the taxonomic hierarchy?
Which kingdom has single-celled and simple multiple-celled eukaryotic organisms?
Kingdom Protista
Which kingdom has autotrophic eukaryotes that includes all plants?
Kingdom Plantae
Which kingdom has heterotrophic eukaryotes that reproduce through asexual spores and have cell walls?
Kingdom Fungi
Which kingdom has prokaryotic, single-celled organisms that lack a membrane-enclosed nucleus and can be classified by shape?
Kingdom Bacteria
Which kingdom has prokaryotic, single-celled organisms that live in extreme environments?
Kingdom Archaea
Which kingdom has heterotrophic eukaryotes that includes all animals?
Kingdom Animalia
What is a heterotroph?
An organism that must consume other organisms for energy.
What does, "function" mean?
What something does.
Which type of cell has a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles?
Eukaryotic cell
What is the highest level of the taxonomic hierarchy?
Which taxonomic domain has cells that contain a membrane-enclosed nucleus?
Domain Eukarya
Which taxonomic domain includes prokaryotic, single-celled organisms that lack a membrane-enclosed nucleus and can be classified by shape?
Domain Bacteria
Which taxonomic domain consists of a specialized group of unicellular prokaryotes that can live in extreme environments?
Domain Archaea
What is an autotroph?
An organism that makes its own food.
What is the reproductive process that involves one parent and produces offspring identical to the parent?
Asexual Reproduction