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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of crime is it?
bag snatching
What kind of crime is it?
What kind of crime is it?
What kind of crime is it?
Paraphrase. The GOVERNMENT does everything possible to REDUCE THE NUMBER OF crimes,
The AUTHORITIES do everything possible to CUT crimes.
Paraphrase. There was a sudden INCREASE of crimes in 90th
There was a WAVE of crimes in 90th
Paraphrase. Long sentences don't PREVENT people from committing a crime.
Long sentences don't DETER people from committing a crime.
Paraphrase. We must stop them from DOING SMTH ILLEGAL.
We must stop them from COMMITTING A CRIME
Paraphrase. There were FEW RAPES AND MURDERS last year.
There few VIOLENT CRIMES last year
Translate. Прокурор обвиняет меня в мелком хулиганстве. Но я этого не делал. Я не понимаю почему я под подозрением.
The prosecutor accuses me of committing petty crimes. But I didn't do it. I don't understand why I am under suspicion.
Translate. Мужчина был осужден за насилие и приговорен к 5 годам в тюрьме.
The man was convicted for rape and sentenced to 5 years in prison
Translate. 25 лет - очень мягкое наказание за такое тяжкое преступление.
25 years is too light punishment for such a violent crime.
Translate. Мы дружим 10 лет и я не знал, что он наркодилер
We have been friends for 10 years and I didn't know that he is a drugdealer.
Translate. Моего папу арестовали перед тем как я вернулся из-за границы
My farther had been arrested before I came back from abroad
Do the exercise
1. combat 2. rate 3. violent crimes 4.wave 5.prevention
Do the exercise
.1. rate 2. recorded 3.commit 4.deter 5.cut