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Summer Festival 2020 (Yr 4-6) = The Doctrine of  ...

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What statement of belief do we say that confirms this belief in the Trinity?
The Creed
Each person/hypostases in the Trinity has a special characteristic that distinguishes it from the other hypostasis. What are they?
Father = origin or source, Son = begotten from the Father, Holy Spirit = proceeds from the father
Can you explain the Trinity using the analogy of THE TRIANGLE
3 independent lines/sides that form 1 shape. 3 independent angles which are connected, all angles equal yet different
Can you explain the Trinity using the analogy of THE SUN
3 parts = the sun itself, rays and heat. 3 different components, but yet the sun one. No seperation between aspects, never a time when sun had no rays or heat
We describe the Trinity as coeternal and consubstantial, what do both of these words mean?
Coeternal means they all exist TOGETHER eternally from the beginning of time. Consubstantial means they are the same substance or essence
Complete the sentence. God is o_____ God, but t______ coeternal consubstantial persons or h_______
One, Three, Hypostates
How would you describe the Trinity to someone, are they 3 gods or one?
They are ONE God, in three Divine persons where the Father is equal to the Son which is equal to the Holy Spirit
What is the Holy Trinity?
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit