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Brief History Of the Jewish Religion

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What is Mishna?
Mishna is the earliest authoritative collection of Jewish oral law. It records the views of rabbinic sages known as the Tannaim
What is another important Jewish book other then the Torah & Tanakh?
The Talmud is a book or a set of books consisting of commentary , discussions and details on rules in the Hebrew bible from rabbis.
Conversion to Judaism is possible, but the concept of family heritage is very important to Jews. TRUE OR FALSE
True, the Jewish people believe that they are "Chosen People" to enter into a covenant with G-d. This idea has been a central one throughout their history.
Name some famous Jews of modern times who may or may not be religious?
Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Steven Spielberg, Benjamin Netanyahu, Woody Allen
What is the Tanakh?
It is the Hebrew Bible which includes the Torah (5 Books) and other books such as book of Psalms and Job.
Who is Moses and what did he write?
Moses is the most important Jewish prophet. He's traditionally credited with writing the Torah and with leading the Israelites out of Egypt.
What do you call the Jewish people from a historical perspective?
From a historical perspective, the designation “Hebrew” (Ivri) has been in use since the time of Abraham, and the term “Israelite” followed
Do the Jews believe in one God or several Gods & what is the Name of G-D?
One God. Stated as HaShem (the Name) or during prayer as "Adonai" (my Lord)
Judaism as a religion is often summarized as 3 particular headings. Name one.
1. God 2. Torah 3. Israel
Is Judaism just a religion? Yes or No
Yes & No, it has diverse elements that make Jews distinctive however it is considered a monotheistic religion..
What is the Torah?
The meaning of “Torah” is often restricted to signify the first five books of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), also called the Law.
Judaism only consists of one group of people & culture? TRUE or FALSE
False. Judaism consists of diverse cultures & languages
Judaism reflects a mysterious relationship between what?
Religion and a Particular Tribe of People (peoplehood)