Edit Game
Grade 6 Unit 4 Vocabulary

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Active: Picasso painted the picture. PASSIVE: The picture ______ _________ by Picasso
was painted
Active: The teacher wrote the book. PASSIVE: The book _______ _________ by the teacher.
was written
Active: The children made the puppets. PASSIVE: The puppets __________ ____________ by the children.
were made
If you are interested in music, a good job for you might be a ____________.
If you are interested in clothes, a good job might be a __________ ___________.
fashion designer
Sevillana and Flamenco are types of _______ ___________ in Spain.
traditional dancing
What are these people doing?
make a film
What can you do with clay?
do ceramics
What can you do with beads?
make jewellery
Where do people perform a play?
What are these children wearing?
What is this girl doing?
create an animation
What are these people doing?
Perform a play
This picture is an example of ________ ___________.
traditional dancing
What can you use to make ceramics?
What is this person doing?
do origami
Something you can wear on your hand.
What can you use to make jewellery?
What is this person's job?
What is this person's job?
Sound Engineer
What is this person's job?
Graffiti Artist
What is this person's job?
What is this person's job?
What is this person's job?
What is this person's job?
Fashion designer
Who is the boss of a film while it is being made?
Film director