Edit Game
Grade 4 Unit 4 Technology Vocab

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use the correct form of have: (NEGATIVE FORM) He ________ ________ to use the internet to do his homework.
doesn't have to
Use the correct form of have: (NEGATIVE FORM) I _________ __________ to use the internet to do my homework.
don't have to
Use the correct form of have: I _________ to use the internet to do my homework.
have to
Use the correct form of have:(NEGATIVE FORM) She _________ _________ to go to the park today.
doesn't have to
Use the correct form of have: (NEGATIVE FORM) He _____ ________ to leave early.
doesn't have to
Use the correct form of have: (NEGATIVE FORM) The teacher said we _____ _______ to do our homework today.
don't have to
Use the correct form of have: Later today, she __________ to go to the library.
Use the correct form of have: Yesterday, she ________ to go to the library.
What do players do to play this game?
Tap the screen
What will players need to do here?
Start the game
Sometimes you must ________ __________ _________
Tilt the screen
If you see this symbol, it means __________ __________
swipe right
If you see this symbol, it means __________ __________ _______.
Start the game
If you see this symbol, it means __________ __________ ________
Pause the game
If you see this symbol, it means __________ __________ ___________
Tap the screen
If you see this symbol, it means __________ __________
Move left
If you see this symbol, it means __________ __________
Move right
If you see this symbol, you should _________ __________.
Move down
If you see this symbol, you should _________ ___________.
Move up
What is this?
An IPhone is a type of __________.
Mobile Phone
When we want to search for information, we will use a _________.
What is this?
CD Player
What we used to use to play music before we had mobile phones
MP3 Player
A way to speak with family and friends that live far away.
Video Call
Part of your computer that is used to see other people
He is playing a __________.
Computer Game
What is this?
What we used to take photos before everyone had a phone.
This man is singing __________. How do you spell it?
The Chromebooks are an example of a _________.
What are the girls using?
Interactive whiteboard