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Pursue What Builds Loyalty

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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9. How does today’s text and the video help you when being under ban?
According to today’s text what can you do to keep well-fed spiritually under ban?
Find a good place to hide your Bible and any other spiritual food
7. How did the brothers reacted when the police found them?
Which song applies to us personally if we remain loyal?
Song 97 verse 10
How does Paul call the time of faith we should have?
Faith without hypocrisy
How should our faith be?
Real, genuine
What temptations does the brother mention we should resist?
To serve Jehovah half-heartedly with a date in mind or some selfish reason.
The question: Where would I be if I did not have faith? is from which verse?
Which Psalm do they read?
4. What has made you remain loyal during test?
3. Why should we study Jehovah’s word in this time that we have the opportunity to?
2. How have brothers around the world helped us remain loyal?
1. What are we doing now to have a faith like that?