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Dividing Whole Numbers and Unit Fractions Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1/8 ÷ 5 Solve the expression by using the model below. The entire rectangle represents one whole.
Luisa has 1/8 of her book left to read. She needs to finish the book in 7 days. What fraction of the book does she need to read each day to finish on time?
Jessica made 2 pounds of fudge. How many 1/6 pound servings are in the 2 pounds of fudge?
The art teacher told Myra to fold 1/4 of a piece of construction paper into 5 equal sections. How much of the construction paper will each section be?
The model represents the quotient of two numbers. Each strip represents one whole. What expression does this model represent?
2 ÷ 1/10
Parker made a batch of muffins, and 1/12 of them were blueberry. He divided the blueberry muffins equally among his 6 children. Which fraction represents the amount of the total batch each child received?
While cleaning the attic, Yuyan found some money. She decided to divide 1/9 of the money equally among her 4 favorite charities. What fraction of the money Yuyan found did each charity receive?
Gina bought a 2-gallon bottle of water. How many 1/8 gallon servings are in the 2-gallon bottle?
The model represents the quotient of two numbers. Each strip represents one whole. What expression does this model represent?
10 ÷ 1/7
1/7 ÷ 2 Solve the expression by using the model below. The entire rectangle represents one whole.