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Present simple questions Aux. Do, Be, Can
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Yes, firefighters use firetrucks .
Do firefighters use trucks?
No, we can't bring our dog to school.
Can you bring your dog to school?
Yes, she makes a cake every week.
Does she make a cake every week?
No, I am not talking with my friend.
Are you talking with your friend?
Yes, I can do my assignment very fast.
Can you do your assignment very fast?
No, I don't swim in the pool every morning
Do you swim in the pool everymorning?
Yes, we are very happy today.
Are you happy today?
No, it can't fly.
Can it fly?
Yes he eats bananas everyday.
Does he eat bananas everyday?
No, it is not green.
Is it green?
Yes, he can play the piano.
Does he play the piano?
No, I am not her friend.
Are you her friend?
yes, we live next door.
Do you live next door?
No, the dog can't come inside the house.
Can the dog come inside the house?
Yes, they play basketball on the playground.
Do they play basketball on the playground?
No, they are not my cousins.
Are they your cousins?
Yes, you can tacos for breakfast.
Can I eat tacos for breakfast?
I don't know if she is coming to school.
Is she coming to school?
No, we don't have homework.
Do we have homework?
Yes, they are skating.
Are they skating?