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Age of Discovery

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What did wigs cause in 17th century France? Why?
Serious health problems, because the wigs were too heavy.
Where did Louis XIV build his palace?Why?
In Versailles, because he did not like Paris.
When did Louis XIV rule in France?
Who rule together in a constitutional monarchy?
The king and the queen.
What was the position of Cromwell when he took power?
He ruled as a dictator.
Who were the 2 groups against each other in the English Civil War?
Parliament (Roundheads) and the King (Cavaliers)
When was the English Civil War?
Name 2 reasons for the English Civil War.
Political and religious reasons.
What did Elizabeth I start to build?
The British Empire.
Who was the biggest enemy of Elizabeth I?
The Spanish king, Philip II.
When did Elizabeth I rule?
How do we call the Church of England?
The Anglican Church.
Which dynasty did Henry VIII belong to?
The Tudors.
Why did Henry VIII create the Church of England?
Because he wanted to get divorced from his wife but the Catholic Church did not allow it.
How many wives did Henry VIII have?
He had 6 wives.
When was Henry VIII king?
Who is the leader of the Catholic Church?
The pope.
Why was printing a huge improvement?
Because ideas could spread faster.
What is predestination?
It means that God decides who goes to heaven.
What were the indulgences?
People could buy tickets from the church to go to heaven.
When did Martin Luther write his 95 theses?
In 1517.
What was the New World?
Which countries traded with slaves?
Europe, Africa, America
What goods were exported from Asia to Europe?
spices, silk, coffee, tea, porcelain
When was the Aztec Empire destroyed? What was the name of this Spanish conquerer?
in 1519, Hernán Cortés
Why did the Aztecs sacrifice people?
To please their gods.
Where did the Aztecs build their temples?
On the top of pyramids.
Who led the Spanish invaders that destroyed the Inca Empire?
Francisco Pizzaro
What is the name of the spectacular town in the Inca Empire?
Machu Picchu
The Inca Empire was in today's...
Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile, Columbia
What did the Native Americans become after Europeans arrived in America?
They became slaves.
Who set up colonies first in South America?
Spain and Portugal.
How did Ferdinand Magellan prove that the Earth was round?
He circum-navigated it.
Who was Amerigo Vespucci?
He proved that Columbus had discovered a new continent, that is why they named it America.
Why did Columbus name the inhabitants Indians in the new land?
Because he taught he had been in India.
Columbus was the first person to believe that...
the Earth was not flat but round.
Who supported Columbus?
The Spanish queen.
When did Christopher Columbus start his journey?
in 1492.
Who was Bartolomeu Dias?
A Portuguese explorer who started his journey in 1487. He reached the southern part of Africa, then turned back.
Why did the discoveries start?
Europe needed a new route to India.