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chapters 7-8 check

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where did Harris and pie disappear?
He fell down in the hole in the ground
what water were they offered to drink?
river water
Did Montmorency fight with the cat?
what kind of cat did Montmorency see? What did it look like?
This cat was big and black. It had half a tail, half a nose and only one ear.
what was authour's attitude to cats?
he likes them and usually pets them
In ch7 where did they stop for a night?
We don’t know. It wasn’t given in the text.
In ch7 who did they meet in the evening? Where they happy?
They met 3 fishermen, who cursed them
In ch7 what was the weather like in the evening?
It started to blow hard, but the river was full of magic
In ch7 did they open a tin? What did they do with it in the end?
No. they threw it away
In ch 7 what did they have for lunch? What did they forget to take for lunch?
They had cold meat. They had forgotten to take mustard
In ch7 what place did they visit?
A place (a stone) where Magna Carta was signed