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January 2021

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In what year did Jack Hanna started working at the Columbus Zoo? A) 1968 B) 1978 C) 1988 D) 1998
B) 1978
When did this person retired?
December 31, 2020
Who is the person in the photo?
Jack Hanna
How old is Mr. Truc?
37 years old
True or False. This is a robot.
Which of the following is considered a "robot"? A) Roomba B) Butterfly C) iPad D) Mrs. Anh
A "puppet robot" is most similar to A) A car B) An airplane C) a remote-controlled toy D) Mr. Truc's personal bodyguard
C) a remote-controlled toy
What BrainPOP movie did we watch when celebrating technology day? A) Internet B) Artificial Intelligence C) Robots D) Machines
C) Robots
What temperature does the thermometer read?
What temperature does the thermometer read?
What temperature does the thermometer read?
What temperature does the thermometer read?
The main reason why many birds migrate is A) to find a warmer place B) to find mates C) to find food D) to escape from being cook by Mrs. Joy
C) to find food
True or False. All birds with feathers can fly.
This duck is most likely to be A) Male B) Female C) Male or Female D) Delicious
A) Male
Like humans, birds are A) hairless B) endothermic C) exothermic D) mesothermic
B) endothermic
What do you call a young bald eagle? A) delinquent B) juvenile C) chick D) baby eagle
B) juvenile
When was national bird day? A) December 30 B) December 5 C) January 4 D) January 5
D) January 5
The bald eagle is what type of animal? A) Omnivore B) Herbivore C) Carnivore D) None of the above
C) Carnivore
A bald eagle can weigh as much as how many pounds? A) 14 pounds B) 15 pounds C) 16 pounds D) 17 pounds
A) 14 pounds
What is the United States of America's national bird? A) Falcon B) Bald Eagle C) Seagull D) Seahawk
B) Bald Eagle
When did we start our class for 2021? A) January 2 B) January 3 C) January 4 D) January 5
January 4