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Environmental Science - Chapter 4 Review

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Many flowers produce this sweet liquid.
An inherited characteristic, like brown eyes is a(n) {variable, trait, biodiversity, endemic}.
{Ecosystem services, ecosystem diversity, species diversity} include producing oxygen, preventing erosion, and purifying water.
Ecosystem services
Earth's history shows five {endemics, endangered species, mass extinctions}, or losses of very large numbers of species.
Mass extinctions
Scientists have identified about 1.7 {thousand, million, billion} species worldwide
What type of bird did Charles Darwin study in the Galapagos Islands in 1835?
A {species diversity, keystone species, mutation} increases the diversity of its ecosystem.
Keystone species
A clownfish and a sea anemone are connected by {mutualism, commensalism, parasitism}. In this relationship, one living thing benefits and the other is neither harmed nor helped.
A relationship between two living things that helps one and harms the other is called {mutualism, commensalism, parasitism}.
A relationship between two living things is called {mutualism, commensalism, parasitism} if it benefits both of them.
Bees and birds are two animals that help plants reproduce by providing {commensalism, pollination, symbiosis}.
Squirrels, birds, and other animals help with {seed dispersal, genetic diversity, ecosystem diversity}, or scattering seeds away from a parent plant.
Seed dispersal
A sudden change in a living thing's genetic material is called a {trait, endemic, mutation}.
An {endemic, inherited, diverse} species is one found in a particular place and nowhere else.
The complete loss of a species is called {endangerment, habitat loss, extinction}.
An inherited property of a living thing is called a {extinction, mutation, trait}.
The many different kinds of animals in a forest represent {species diversity, ecosystem diversity, mutation}.
Species diversity
Marshes, beaches, rivers, and forests are part of Earth's {ecosystem service, keystone species, ecosystem diversity}.
Ecosystem diversity
The different forms of genes in living things, or {ecosystem diversity, genetic diversity, mutation} add to Earth's biodiversity.
Genetic diversity
Efforts in {commensalism, conservation, pollination} help to protect species and ecosystems.