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Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How did Aladdin's life change after he had the ring and the lamp?
He got treasures for his family and married the Sultan's daughter.
How do you think the magician felt when he woke up in the dessert?
angry and frustrated
Why does Aladdin's mother think he has lost his senses?
He vows to marry Princess Buddir.
What does Aladdin do after he picks fruit in the orchard?
He follows the path to the lamp.
Which of the following events happened first: the princess invited the magician to eat with her; the magician looked for a foolish boy to trick; Aladdin married Princess Buddir; Aladdin picked grapes that turned into pearls?
The magician looked for a foolish boy to trick.
How can you tell Buddir did not know the lamp was magic?
She trades the old lamp to the peddler for a new one.
Read this sentence: The magician disguised himself as a peddler. What is a peddler?
a traveling salesperson
What is not something that the genie of the lamp does for Aladdin - delivers a feast to Aladdin and his mother; produces a train of eighty slaves; takes Aladdin on a trip to China; builds a magnificent palace
takes Aladdin on a trip to China
Why do you think the magician did not go down into the earth to get the lamp?
It was too dangerous, and he wanted to test Aladdin.
What made Aladdin think the magician was no ordinary uncle?
The magician made the earth open up.