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The Golden Flute

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why did Bayberry need to blow on the flute for seven days and nights?
to kill the evil dragon
What event caused the main problem of the story?
The evil dragon flew off with Little Red.
How did the mother feel as she watched Bayberry leave to rescue Little Red?
worried but hopeful
What does torment mean?
Possible answers: to torture; to irritate; to harass
Why did Bayberry and his family enjoy a plentiful life?
They plowed fields easily with the dragon's horn.
What caused Bayberry to decide to go after the dragon?
Possible answers: He wanted to rescue Little Red; He wanted to kill the evil dragon; He wanted to prevent others from being hurt
What is an obstacle?
something preventing you from reaching a goal or doing something
Why did the mother think, at the beginning of the story, that no one could ever save Little Red?
Possible answers: Little Red had no brother; the dragon was too powerful; many other people had been killed
How was the dragon helpful to Bayberry and his family after the defeat?
The dragon's remains were used as household items.
Why did his mother not tell Bayberry about his sister?
She thought saving Little Red was too dangerous for him.