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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are the countries that enjoy the most benefits from globalization ?
Northern Hemisphere
Is globalization harmful to the environment ? Why ?
Globalization is both good and bad for firms. Explain.
It can create competition and open up opportunities for companies in a different market
A multinational company is a firm that owns shares in a foreign company but does not participate in the company's decision making. True or False ? Why ?
Because it does not operate in 2 different countries
Which of the following do NOT facilitate globalization? a) Improvements in communications b) Removal of trade and investment barriers c) Strict immigration controls Why ?
The poor are the ones who benefit most from globalization. True or False ? Why ?
False. They lack opportunities to access international markets and funds.
it is cheaper to buy in bulk. What economic concept is referred to ?
Economics of scale / Economies of scale
How does technology transfer help developing countries ?
They buy it cheaply and use it to improve production
What kinds of countries believe in a free market ?
Capitalist countries
When countries rely on each other, what is it called ?
One of the following is not capital. What is it ? Cars/ Software / Hammers / workers
What are 4 economic resources ?
Labour, land, capital and enterprise
People have been talking about "global village ". What does this actually mean ?
The distance between people is becoming smaller
In what country, can you pay your bills with your face ?
What is violence fueled by ? Why ?
The gap between the rich and the poor because unfairness makes people angry.
What are sweat shops ?
a factory or workshop, especially in the clothing industry, where manual workers are employed at very low wages for long hours and under poor conditions.