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Present or past?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There _________ some apples on the table if you ________ to eat one now. (To be / Want)
There are / If you want to eat...
She _____ her finger with a knife and she ______ to the hospital last night. (Cut / Go)
Cut / Went
_________ you 5 years old last year? No, I _________. (to be)
Were your 5 years old last year? No, I wasn´t.
I __________ to the park yesterday; I ________ at home with my dad. (Go / not) (Play)
Didn´t go / Played
My uncle Tom _____ a whole cake last Christmas. (Eat)
I ________ down the stairs last month and I _______ my leg. (Fall / Break)
Fell / Broke
When _________ your birthday? My birthday ______ on the 30th of September. (To be)
Is / Is
__________ you __________ pizza last night? (Eat). No, I ___________.
Did you eat pizza last night? No, I didn´t.
I _________ football every Tuesday and Thursday. (Play)
She ____________ an e-mail to her best friend every Friday. (Write)
My mother ______________ the guitar (Play / Not). Present
doesn´t play
There _______ any books on the table (To be / not). Present.
My sister ____________ (love) reading books.
_____ you do your homework last night?
Mary and Paul __________ (go) to the cinema three days ago.