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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can an elephant jump?
No, it can't
How do you say "YO PUEDO CORRER" in English?
I can run.
How do you say LÁPIZ in English?
How does the parrot reproduce?
It lays eggs. It is oviparous.
What number is it?
It's number twenty.
What does Polly say to all the animals in the jungle?
No I can't. I love my voice.
What do the animals say to Polly?
Polly, stop talking, please!
What animal is it?
It's the toucan
What number is it?
It's number eighteen.
The bear eats plants and other animals... It is an ____________
What does the zebra eat?
The zebra eats plants. It is a herbivore.
How many gorillas are there?
There are five gorillas
What can the parrot do?
The parrot can fly.
How many giraffes are there?
There are four giraffes
What number is it?
It's number thirteen.
What can the snake do?
It can slither.
What does the flamingo eat?
The flamingo eats other animals. It is a carnivore
How does the koala reproduce?
The koala has babies. It is viviparous.
What number is it?
It's number fifteen