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4th Gr Social Studies Two Worlds Meet

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What disease did the settlers bring with them to the New World that killed so many Native Americans?
During this time, beavers, foxes, otters and bears were important for their
The Lenape Indians lived in the area that was called the New Netherlands. Which group of people claimed this land?
The Dutch
The English
Why did Europeans call the place where Columbus landed the New World?
Because it was new to Europeans
Because the Taino Indians lived there.
A colony is group of people who live together and are controlled by a country far away. Which European country made the first permanent colony?
Another reason why explorers went on voyages was to
find a shorter way to get to Asia from Europe to trade.
learn more about the ocean
Explorers were men who went on voyages or traveled to new places across the ocean. What are some reasons they went on these voyages?
to find land, trade with people and spread religion.
to learn about other people in new places.
What were the two largest religions in Europe in the 1500's?
Catholics and Protestants
Judaism and Islam
In the 1500's the astronomers Copernicus and Galileo also discovered that
the earth is round
the earth is flat
The astronomers Copernicus and Galileo believed that
the earth went around the sun
the sun went around the earth