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Toolbox Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use the Using our Words Tool to give someone in your life a shout out right now!
Is it possible to send Caring Circle care to someone that you've never met?
When could the Breathing Tool help you?
Any time you need to get to the Green Zone.
Show what it looks like when people DON'T use their Listening Tool for 10 seconds.
wait, what'd you say?
Lead us in one of your favorite Breathing Tool exercises.
Messi Approves.
Use your Courage Tool and tell your class something they might not know about you.
You put the U in Unique.
What's the point in a Caring Circle?
We can send our care all over the world.
Use your Courage Tool and act out one of your favorite activities until someone guesses what it is!
fun times.
Describe your Quiet Safe Place Tool using your senses.
oooh ahhhhh
Use your Courage Tool and act like one of your favorite animals until someone guesses what it is!
wild times.
When might the Using our Words Tool be hard but important to use?
Your voice is your power!
Use the Using our Words Tool to give someone in your class a shout out right now!
That's an Attitude of Gratitude.
How do people use the Empathy Tool on themselves?
Anything you do or say to show yourself some love.
Which Tool do you need to use to imagine how someone else is feeling?
The Empathy Tool!
Show what it looks like to listen with ears, eyes, and heart for 10 seconds.
Nice Listening Tool!
When is a time you might need to use the Quiet/Safe Place Tool?
Any time you need to feel calm and relaxed. It's like taking a vacation in your mind!
Lead us in one of your favorite Breathing Tool exercises.
Lebron approves.
Can you put a pet in a Caring Circle?