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Why is compound microscope called " compound"?
Because it consist of two kinds of lenses: occular lense and ojective lens.
Used for support to all the parts of the microscope
Brings the specimen into sharp focus
Fine Adjustment Knob (FAK)
Brings the object into aproximate focus by raising and lowering the stage
Coarse Adjustment Knob ( CAK)
Source of light, typically located at the base
light source/ illuminator
Controls the amount of light reaching the specimen
Diaphragm / Iris diaphragm
Holds the glass slide in place
stage clips
Is where the specimen to be viewed is placed
Connects the body tube and the base
what do you called to the two most commonly used objectives?
Primary optical lenses used to magnify an object
Holds the objective lenses in place and allow it to revolve
Revolving nosepiece
Connects the occular lens/eyepiece and the objective lenses
body tube
what you look through at the top of the microscope
occular lens or eye piece
Instrument that can magnify or enlarge the image of objects?