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What do you know about Australia?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the hottest month in Australia?
December, January, February
What is this animal?
a dingo
There are no snakes in New-Zealand. What about in Australia?
Yes and a lot - 170 species of land snakes, some of them the most poisonous in the world
What are the colours of Australian flag?
blue, red and white
Do Australians drive on the right or on the left?
on the left
How many million people live in Australia?
25 million
Is Australia an island?
Yes it is.
What is the currency of Australia?
Australian dollar
How many different kinds of fish can you see at the Great Barrier Reef? a) 500 b) 1000 c) 1500
c) 1500
What are the baby kangaroos called?
What place in Australia can you see from space?
The Great Barrier Reef
Mention two marsupials.
a kangaroo, a koala, a wombat, a wallaby, an opossum, a tasmanian devil
Tell something about Uluru?
red, holy place, huge rock in a desert, 348 m high,
How tall can a kangaroo be?
about 2 m
What is this building?
Sydney opera house
What does a koala eat?
Eucalyptus tree leaves
Is Sydney the capital of Australia?
No it's not.
What is this animal?
a platypus
What is this animal?
a Tasmanian devil
What is this animal?
a koala
What is this animal?
a kangaroo
How many stars are there in the flag of Australia?
What do people want to do if they travel to the Great Barrier Reef?
They want to dive and see corals and sea animals.
What was boomerang originally used for?
Do they wear a school uniform in Australia?
Yes they do.
What is this?
What place is this?