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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give two examples of sweets and fats
candy, oil, cake, chocolate
Give two examples of carbohydrtes
bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereal
Give two examples of dairy products?
milk, cheese, yogurt, butter
What food group gives you vitamins to stay healthy?
fruits and vegetables
What food group gives you the energy to work?
What food group does this food belong to?
protein /meat
What is the origin of this food?
plant origin
What is the origin of this food?
plant origin
What is the origin of this food?
animal origin
How do you call when the mother has a baby in the uterus?
In what stage of life your body changes to become an adult?
What stage of life is the longest. Starts when you are 20 and ends at 70
In what stage of life you stop growing?
In what stage of life you grow a lot and you learn lots of things?
In what stage of life your bones become fragile and your muscles weaker?
old age
In what stage of life you reproduce to have babies, you form a family and you find a job?
What stage of life starts when you are 11-12 and ends when you are 20?
What are the steps for the interaction funtion?
1. You feel something with your senses. 2. your brain interprets information. 3 Your body reacts