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Happy new year

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An onion is traditionally hung on the front door of homes on New Year’s Eve as a symbol of rebirth in the New Year.
in Greece
New Year’s Eve families in ................. spend the night in the company of their deceased loved ones by sleeping at the cemetery.
In Chile
People put three potatoes under a chair.. One is peeled, one is partially peeled, and the other has all its skin. At midnight, a person chooses a potato with their eyes closed and each yields a prediction for the future.
It is in Peru
In what country do people throw buckets of water out the window to say goodbye to the old year?
In New Year’s Eve in......... traditionally, people eat seven, nine, or twelve meals a day with the goal of having abundance in the next 365 days
In Estonia
How long is the countdown for the new year?
Which country celebrates the new year in summer?
'Amazake' is a traditional new year drink in .......
To be lucky in the new year what kind of underwear should I wear?
Yellow underwear is supposed to bring luck
What is the animal for 2022 Chinese New Year?
Year of the Tiger
Why do Ecuadorians burn homemade puppets at midnight?
As a symbol of burning all the negative things.
Colombians believe that running around the neighborhood with............ will increase their chances of traveling in the new year.
Suitcases, luggage, travel bag
In which city in the U.S. do millions of people gather to watch the ball drop at midnight?
New York City, NY
In which country kids prepare New Year's letters at school for their grandparents and godparents.
In Belgium
How many grapes the people usually eat at the last day on the year?
12 Grapes
What is a considered a good luck food to eat on New Years Eve?
GRAPES: Good Luck, FISH: Abundance, RICE: Fertility & Wealth.
What is the first country to celebrate the New Year every year?
New Zealand