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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you cook? Have you ever tried?
( Your Answer )
Do you like to eat? What is your favourite food?
(Your answer)
Are they friends?
Yes , they are!
Would you like to join their team?
I would like to try ! / (Your answer!)
Who is hiding under his hat?
Remy is hiding there!
Is he happy? Can you say Why?
Yes , he is !
Why the Chief looks confused?
Because Linguini is talking to Remy !
What he is holding in his hands?
He is holding a spoon!
What is he eating?
He is eating a soup!
Are they friends?
No! No! No!
What name did Auguste Gusteau give to Remy?
Little Chief !
What is the color of the cheese?
It's yellow!
What job had Linguini first?
He was a waiter !
What is the name of Remy's brother ?
His name is Emile!
Remy, is what kind of animal?
Rat !
Where is he from?
He is from France!
What is his best dream?
He wants to become a chief - rat!
Does he have a brother?
Yes , his brother is Remy!
What is the name of this dish?
What is he eating?
He is eating Ratatouille!
Can he cook some french fries?
Ha ha , yes ! / Sure !
Can he become a chief cook ?
Yes, of course!
Would you like to make friends with him?
Yes ofcourse! / No , i dont like him.
What is his name?
His name is Remy!