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Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Quiz

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What are the number of species of flowering plants found in India and what does it account for the world percentage? And name some non-flowering plants.
1500 species, 6%. Fern, Algae and Fungi.
Tell the importance of forests?
It provides oxygen, plant products, fuel, habitat for wildlife and takes in Carbon Dioxide and prevents soil erosion & floods.
What do you mean by the word "endangered species"?
The species which are going to get extinct in the near future.
How many speices of fishes are there in India and what percentage accounts for the world's stock?
2500 , 12%
What are the sub-factors affecting the natural vegetation of a place?
Land, soil, temperature, sunlight and precipitation.
Why are wildlife reserves made?
They are made to protect and the endangered animals from becoming extinct.
Give a few examples of animals who live in the high altitudes of Ladhak.
Yaks, the Shaggy Horned Wild Ox, the Tibetan Antelope, the Blue Sheep, Wild Sheep, and the Kiang.
What comprises of the flora & fauna of the mangrove forests?
Mangrove refers to one of any number of plants from various taxonomical families that grow in marshy, briny, brackish, or other types of coastal waters.
Till what height can the dry tropical deciduous forests reach?
Up to 60m or above
What are the levels of the tropical evergreen forests?
Forest floor, Understorey, Cannopy.
How many centimeters of rainfall does the the tropical thorn forests receive?
Less than 70 cms
What are montane forests?
A sucsession of natural vegetation belts.
What is the other name of Tropical Decidious forest?
The monsoon forest.
What are the factors affecting the natural vegetation?
Relief, climate, latitude and altitude
What is virgin vegetation?
A plant community which has grown naturally without human aid and has been left undisturbed by humans for a long time. This is termed as a virgin vegetation