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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the plural for 'a child'? 'a tooth'?
A child - children, a tooth -teeth
Show your ears, nose and teeth! Spell the word 'белый'.
Very nice! White.
Translate and spell: мама, папа, сын.
Mother, father, son.
What can you see in the house? Name more than 5 objects.
A cupboard, a sofa, a chair , a box, a ball.
Make up a special question to the answer: 'A chocolate cake.'
Вопросительное слово + общий вопрос?
What can you see in the street? Name more than 5 objects.
A garden, a swing, a tree, a bird, a house, grass.
Translate and spell the word : oceнь
Give antonyms to the following adjectives: rainy - , sad -, little - angry - , nice - , short-, cold -,
Sunny, happy, big, kind, bad, long, hot
Translate into English: Почему родители Бэна подходят ко мне вечером?
Why do Ben's parents come up to me in the evening?
Translate into English: Он думает я могу взбираться на деревья ночью.
He thinks I can climb trees at night.
Translate and spell the words : ловить, плакать.
to catch, to cry
Imagine and show that you eat a cake and drink tea. Spell the word 'черный'.
Awesome! Black.
Translate into English: Брат Тимура не любит играть на большом сером диване в гостиной.
Timur's brother doesn't like to play on the big grey sofa in the living room.
Look at your chair! Spell the word 'коричневый'.
Perfect! Brown.
Do morning exercises! Spell the word 'серый'.
Very good! Grey/gray.
Stand up and sing a little song. Spell the word 'красный'.
Great job! Red.
Make up 1 special question with the verbs : помогать, читать
Вопросительное слово + do/does + подлежащее (кто, что) + help ... to read?
Find antonyms to the verbs: to give, to turn on, to wake up
to take, to turn off, to sleep
Ask using HAVE and HAVE GOT: У Мэри есть сын? Answer Yes.
Does Mary have a son? Has Mary got a son?
Say using HAVE and HAVE GOT: У тебя нет чая и шоколада.
You do not have tea and chocolate. You have not got tea and chocolate.
Do the action: stand up and jump 3 times. Spell the word 'cентябрь'.
Well done! September.
Translate into English: думать, говорить, спрашивать
to think, to say, to ask
Make an affirmative sentence with the verb 'to visit'
Подлежащее (кто?что?) - сказуемое (что делает?) - кого, когда и тд .
What is the difference between ' to hear' and 'to listen to'?
to hear - слЫшать, to listen to - слУшать
Spell the verb 'слышать'. Translate into English: 'утром'.
to hear, in the morning