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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did he WEAR? (Wymien 3 elementy)
He WORE a blue shirt, galsses, headphones.
Who did she WAKE up? (rodziców)
She WOKE up her parents.
What did they THROW?
They THREW a towel.
Powiedz: "Ona powiedziała (TELL) jej całą historie"
She TOLD her the whole story
What did he STEAL? (jedzenie)
He STOLE food.
Powiedz: "Sprzedał (SELL) dom"
He SOLD a house
Powiedz: "Założyłem (PUT) spodnie"
I PUT on my trousers.
Powiedz: "Zapłaciłam (PAY) 15 euro"
I PAID 15 euros
Where did they MEET?
They MET at the resturant
Powiedz: "On podjÄ…Å‚ (MAKE) decyzje dwa dni temu"
He MADE a decision two days ago.
Powiedz: "Oni zgubili (LOOSE) drogÄ™"
They LOST the way
Powiedz: "On wyszedł (LEAVE) z domu"
He LEFT the house
Powiedz: On nauczył(LEARN) się prowadzić w tamtym roku
He LEARNT to drive a car last year
What did she HURT? Name 3 parts of the body
She HURT her: legs, face, ankle, elbows, knees, forehead... ets..
Powiedz: "Uderzyli(HIT) siÄ™ nawzajem"
They HIT each other
Powiedz: "On dał(GIVE) jej kwiatka"
He GAVE her a flower
Powiedz: "Zapomniałem (FORGET) o nim"
I FORGOT about him
Powiedz: "On znalazł (FIND) pieniądze"
He FOUND money
Powedz "On czuł (FEEL) się smutny"
He FELT sad
Powiedz: "On był (BE) podekscytowany"
He WAS excited
Powiedz "Spadł (FALL) z krzesła"
He FELL off his chair
Powiedz: "Kupiem (BUY) nowy laptop wczoraj"
I BOUGHT a new laptop
Powiedz "My byliśmy (BE) w domu w piątek"
We WERE at home on friday
Powiedz "Byłam (BE) w domu w weekend"
I WAS at home at the weekend
What did she WRITE yesterday? ( list)
She WROTE a letter
Powiedz: "Oni przyszli (COME) do mnie na imprezÄ™"
They CAME to me for the pary.
Where did the baby SLEEP last night?
It SLEPT in the living room/on the sofa
What did she SING? (piosenkÄ™)
She SANG a song
What did you SEND?
I SENT an email/a massage
Powiedz: "On coś zobaczył (SEE)?"
He SAW something
What did he HEAR? (coÅ›)
He HEARD something
Where did the baby SWIM?
The baby SWAM in the bath
What did the dog RIDE?
The dog RODE its bike
Where did they GO?
They WENT shopping
What did the men GET out of?
He GOT out of the car
What did they HAVE? (lekcjÄ™)
They HAD a lesson
What did they EAT? (przekÄ…skÄ™)
She ATE a snack
What did he DRINK?
He DRANK (some) juice
What did she TAKE? (zdjęcie)
She TOOK a photo
What did he BURN? (jedzenie)
He BURNT food
What did they WIN? (mecz)
They WON the match
What did the boy CUT? (papier)
He CUT the paper.
Powiedz: "Ona poleciała (FLY) samolotem do Paryża"
She FLEW to Paris by the plane
What did the boy BUILD?
He BUILT a sand castle.
What did the cat READ?
The cat READ an English book.
Where did the cat RUN? (na trawie)
The cat RAN on the grass.
What did the cat BREAK? (wazon)
The cat BROKE the vase.
Where did the cat SIT?
The cat SAT on the dog.
What did the dog DRIVE?
The dog DROVE the car.