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Prepositions of movement

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jedziemy przez tunel
We're going/driving THROUGH the tunnel
Pociag jedzie przez tunel
The train is going THROUGH the tunnel
What are they doing?
They are going/walking across the street
On wychodzi ze sklepu
He is getting out of the shop / He is leaving the shop
Idą wzdłuż plaży
They're walking/going ALONG the beach
Wyjść z... wydostaś się z... ?
Get out of...
What are they doing?
They are getting on the train
What is he doing?
He is getting off the train
Oni wychodzÄ… z autobusu :-) lub (sÄ… wyrzuceni)
They're getting off the bus -- (They're kicked off)
Oni wsiadajÄ… do autobusu
They're getting on the bus
wychodzić z samochodu
get out of the car
Kot chodzi po domu
The cat is walking aroud the house
Ona wychodzi z samochodu
She is getting out of the car
Ona schodzi na dół (po schodach)
She is going/walking down stairs
Przechodzić przez.... (z jednej na drugą stronę)
Go/walk across
Przejeżdzają obok miasta
They're going pass the city
BiegnÄ… w kierunku jungli
They're running towards the jungle
What are the children doing?
They're jumping into the water.
What's the boy doing?
He's jumping into the water.
What's the tortoise doing?
It's climbing over the gate.
What are the people doing?
They're walking across the road.
What is the horse doing?
It's jumping over the pool.
What are the people doing?
They're going through the forest.
What are the people doing?
They are walking across/over the bridge.
Where is the ship going?
It's going under the bridge.
What are zebras doing?
They're going across the river.
What are they doing?
They're climbing over the wall.
What's the girl doing?
She's looking through the window.
What's the man doing?
He's listening through the wall.
What are they doing?
They're sailing across the sea.
What's the woman doing?
She's listening through the wall.