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Christmas Trivia

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What were you doing at midnight December 24th 2019?
Where is Bethlehem?
Who invented The Grinch?
Dr Seuss
Who sang 'All I want for Christmas'?
Mariah Carey
'Love Actually' was one of three Christmas related films by director Richard Curtis. Can you name one of the other two?
Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill
What colour is Elvis' Christmas?
Which very famous English scientist was born on Christmas Day in 1642?
Isaac Newton
What comes after 'Silent Night' in the Christmas Carol?
Holy Night
Name 3 traditional British Christmas foods
Turkey, roast potatoes, brussel sprouts, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, mince pies, red cabbage,
T______is long, thin, shiny paper used to deocorate trees
What is a bauble?
A decoration
What name is given to the day after Christmas in the UK?
Boxing Day
How do you say 'los reyes magos' in English?
Three wise men
What company first used Santa in advertising?
What is the highest grossing Christmas film of all time?
Home Alone
Where does the Christmas tree originate?
What are you supposed to do if you find yourself under the mistletoe?
In which modern-day country was St Nicholas born?
In which ocean is Christmas Island?
How many ghosts show up in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol?
4: Christmas Past, Christmas Present, Christmas yet to come and Jacob Marley
What is eggnog?
A drink with milk, cream, eggs and sugar