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Outcomes Unit 3 Culture

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the difference between soap and washing-up liquid
soap is usually small and hard, used for washing your hands, face etc. washing up liquid is used for washing the dishes
What's the difference between a knee pad and a bandage
a knee pad is hard and protects your knee, a bandage is soft, used on wounds
What's the difference between a ladder and stairs
a ladder is something you can move around to climb on, stairs are permanent
What's the difference between a nail and a screw
a nail is used with a hammer, a screw with a drill
What's the difference between a mop and a brush
a mop is used with water on the floor, a brush is used to sweep (and in Harry Potter, it's a broomstick)
What's the difference between a drill and a hammer
a hammer bangs nails into the wall and a drill makes small circular holes to put screws into
What's the difference between a bucket and a bowl
a bucket is larger than a bowl and is used for cleaning / outdoors, you eat out of a bowl
What's the difference between a cloth and a sponge
cloth is made of fabric and is thinner than a sponge
What's the difference between wire and cable
wire is thinner than cable
What's the difference between rope and string
rope is thicker/ stronger than string