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conditionals and perfect modals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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how do you say "El podria haber ganado el concurso de deletreo" in english?
He could have won the spelling contest
how do you say "yo deberia haber ido a la casa de mi mamá" in english?
I should've gone to my mom's house.
If I _______(have) a car, I c____ ______ to my work
If I had a car, I could drive to my work
If I had ______ (study) harder, I would ________ (pass) the test
If I had studied harder, I would have passed the test.
If it ____ sunny , they will______beach
if It's sunny, they will go to the beach
If I _____ money, I will ______ in five years
If I save money, I will be millionaire in five years.
If I _____ (win) the lottery, I would__________
example: If I won the lottery, I would travel a lot.
If it ______ (rain), We will ___________
example: If it rains, we will cancel the trip
If You had not ____ (go) to the party yesterday, I ________________ (have to Pick you up)
If You hadn't gone to the party yesterday, I wouldn't have had to pick you up.
If I _______ (be) Marlen, I would ____________
example: If I were Marlen, I would have curly hair.
If she ______ (work), she ______ (earn) money
If she works, she earns money.
If i had ____ (work), I _______________ (buy a new house)
if i had worked , I would have bought a new car.