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Naughty or Nice?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dana taught her little brother how to read.
nice! :)
Naughty :(
Stephen was a bully at school.
naughty ;(
Nice ;)
Maria took care of her brother after school.
nice! :)
Naughty :(
Heidi shared her snacks with her friends.
nice! :)
Naughty :(
Matilda volunteered at the library.
nice! :)
Naughty ! :(
Wuwun ran errands for her mother
nice :)
naughty :(
Brenda laughed at her friends.
naughty :(
nice :)
George gave his allowance to help poor children.
nice! :)
naughty :(
Wyatt did his homework every day.
nice :)
naughty :(
Megan lied to her parents about her grades
naughty :(
nice :)
Minsu helped his friends bake cookies
nice! :)
naughty! :(
Fred threw a rock at another boy.
naughty :(
nice :)
Tomoko cleaned the schoolyard.
nice :)
naughty :(
Bob helped his sister with her homework
nice! :)
naughty :(
Rosa cheated on her test at school.
naughty :(
nice :)
Ben stole candy from his sister.
naughty :(
nice :)
Jack pushed his little sister.
Naughty :(
Nice :)
Mike cleaned his room every week.