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Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

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Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms is entrenched in which legal document?
The Constitution?
What is the difference between Rights and Freedoms?
Rights are things I can do, Freedoms are things the government are not allowed to stop you from doing.
Roger is in a wheelchair. He claims that he wasn't hired for a job because of his physical challenges. Which right does he think has been violated?
Equality Rights.
What are equality rights?
to live free of discrimination or prejudice
Anyone who lives in Canada has the right to enter, stay or leave Canada as they wish. True or False?
False: people who aren't citizens or permanent residents can't always leave and come back.
According to Democratic Rights, how often are Parliament and Legislature obliged to meet?
Once a year (at least)
True or false: I can practice my religion because of my fundamental freedoms as a Canadian.
Due to Aboriginal Rights, First Nations have special hunting and land rights.
Which right guarantees that Francophones have French education in Alberta?
Minority Language Education Rights
True or False: The Official Languages of Canada Rights ensure that I can use whatever language I want in court.
False: it guarantees that government services will be provided in English and French.
Which right guarantees people the right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty?
Legal Rights
Which right can be taken away if you're convicted of a crime?
Mobility Rights
Which Charter Right allows people to vote for candidates in an election?
Democratic Rights
I can organize peacefully at meetings and demonstrations because of my legal rights (true or false?)
False: it's a fundamental freedom.
True or False: My fundamental freedoms allow me to express my opinion.
True or False: Rights describe what the government can't stop us from doing.
False: Rights are things you can specifically do.