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Henry VIII's Wives

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was Henry looking for in his 6th wife?
An educated woman who could look after his children
What was Thomas Cromwell's reward for his role in the marriage to Anne of Cleves?
He was beheaded!
What was the purpose of Henry VIII's marriage to Anne of Cleves?
To get an alliance with a non-Catholic country.
Why was Jane Seymour so special to Henry VIII?
She gave birth to a son - Edward
Who would not allow Henry VIII to divorce Catherine of Aragon?
The Pope (Leo X)
Why did Henry VIII want to divorce Catherine of Aragon?
Because he thought she would not give him a son (it is also possible that Anne Boleyn was already pregnant with Elizabeth!)
What happened to Prince Henry, Catherine's first son with Henry VIII?
He died after less than two months.
What is the name of Henry's child with Catherine of Aragon?
Why did Henry think it was important to have a male heir?
Because he thought there could be a civil war when he died if he didn't have one.